Veneers & Laminates are used for reasons like to lighten stains, close gaps and even alter crooked or malformed teeth. They are considerably more durable and stain resistant than bonding.
The veneer is actually a thin piece of porcelain similar in size to a fingernail. Once it is "bonded" onto the tooth it becomes extremely strong.
We also blend the veneer with the remaining tooth structure so that it is unnoticeable to the naked-eye. Once in place, it looks, feels, and functions just like a regular tooth.
We can use porcelain veneers to change the shape and color of a single tooth or, if necessary, revamp an entire smile. Porcelain veneers can also be used to correct teeth that have been worn from clenching and grinding.
Laminates are also similar to veneers. However, laminates can mask the discoloration on the tooth surface, as compared to veneers.